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mardi 21 avril 2009

HALAL BEVERAGES : the halal status is only given if the product has less than 0.5% alcohol. ? -TENDANCES HALAL

Malaysia : source http://thestar.com.my/
...The dragon fruit enzyme is not given halal certification because the halal status is only given if the product has less than 0.5% alcohol.
...Dragon fruit, also known as pitaya, long guo or strawberry pear, is a member of the cactus family, hence the name Pitacacti Delight for the bottled product...

...A DECADE ago, a monk in Kuala Lumpur made a health drink out of dragon fruit. He shared this home-made brew with other monks. A Chinese sinseh who was the monk’s disciple was also treated to this nutritious drink whenever he visited the temple.
The sinseh, S.Y. Sin, was so taken with the dragon fruit enzyme drink that he asked for the recipe. He improved on the recipe and made the enzyme for his friends. After much coaxing from friends to commercialise the product Fruity ‘tonic’ from the dragon fruit

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