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lundi 29 juin 2009

Halal slaughter : Danish Meat and poultry abattoirs questions about halal slaughter ? -TENDANCES HALAL

Danemark :source http://danishmeat.eu/

Halal slaughter
The Danish poultry abattoirs have over the years been asked about halal slaughter
by consumers. The questions from the consumers and the media on halal slaughter
are often about how it is done; particularly whether the chickens are stunned prior
to the slaughter. Many also wish to know how the connection is between the Danish
poultry industry and the Muslim organisations that certify that the chickens have
been halal slaughtered.

How is halal slaughter done?
It is important to start by stating that the slaughter method for poultry is exactly
the same regardless of whether it is halal slaughter or not.

One of the misunderstandings about halal slaughtered poultry is that it is believed
that the animals are not stunned prior to slaughter. This is not the case; all poultry
must, according to the law, be stunned prior to slaughter.
Poultry can, in very special circumstances, be slaughtered without stunning, but
this is not practiced at poultry abattoirs that are members of the Danish Poultry
Meat Association.

The poultry is stunned to achieve an unconscious condition by transfer through
an electrified water bath. The current must not be strong enough to kill the animal.

Both neck arteries of the animal are severed after the stunning to ensure fast death
and de-bleeding. The slaughter is done manually or with a rotating knife.

The slaughter must, according to the law, be observed by an abattoir operator
to ensure that the animals do not suffer unnecessary harm. At Danish poultry abattoirs
these operators are Muslims.

When slaughter starts, and every time there has been a break, the Muslim operator
says a prayer to himself. It says in translation: "In God's name. Allah is the greatest".
This is the only factor by which halal slaughter differs from 'ordinary' slaughter.

Why is halal slaughter used in Denmark?
Danish poultry is halal slaughtered because large quantities are exported to Muslim
It is not known at the time of slaughter where the poultry is to be sold.
The slaughter method does not differ from what would be done for export to non
Muslim countries. It is therefore most practical to halal slaughter the complete production.

Will the Danes have to pay for the halal labelling?
The customers in Denmark and other non Muslim countries do not pay extra for halal slaughtered poultry.
When poultry is exported to Muslim countries it must be accompanied by a certificate guaranteeing that the meat is halal slaughtered.
The certificate is not free of charge and must be signed by a Muslin organisation in Denmark.
The Danish poultry abattoirs use two Muslim organisations that can issue such certificates:
Islamic Culture Centre and Muslim World League.

The extra cost for these certificates is paid by the importers in the Muslim countries.
Non-Muslim countries do not require this certificate, and there is therefore no extra cost
for importers in these countries or Danish supermarkets for buying halal slaughtered poultry meat. Consumers in Denmark and other non Muslim countries thus do not pay more for halal slaughtered poultry.

Is it possible to get poultry that is not halal slaughtered in Denmark?
Vellingegaard Slaughterhouse is the only member of the Danish Poultry Meat Association,
which produces poultry exclusively for the home market. Therefore it does not perform halal slaughter.

Read more Halal slaughter - Danish Meat Association

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