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jeudi 19 novembre 2009

HALAL INDUSTRY : Nestlé will be offering Swiss supermarkets a selection of ethnic products, most of which are halal.

Suisse :
Nestlé looks set to further expand its halal presence in Europe.

Nestlé will be offering Swiss supermarkets a selection of ethnic products, most of which are halal
Nestlé's ethnic business in most European markets is delivered by Nestrade, a global trading company within the Nestlé group. It developed a marketing initiative in 2004 called Taste of Home offering a wider range of ethnic foods sold in ethnic convenience stores, called Mom and Pop stores.

This campaign - which was extended to focus predominantly on halal, with products being sold in almost 1,000 stores in five European countries during Ramadan in September - has seen strong growth of around 50% each year, with double-digit profitability.

Alexander Klein, manager branded products channel development at Nestrade, said: "We felt a strong demand from retailers in broadening their ethnic assortment, and this is a pillar of growth we want to continue to focus on. The Taste of Home concept is designed to speak to both ethnic consumers looking for flavours and products that remind them of home, as well as European consumers looking for interesting and exotic world foods. Of course, providing the reassurance of halal-certification is also vital."... Read + http://www.ad-hoc-news.de/nestle-expanding-nestle-s-halal-presence-in-europe--/de/Unternehmensnachrichten/20713729

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