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Le halal de A à Z : Produits halal- Restauration Halal- Surgelés halal-Fast food Halal-Ingrédients Halal-Boucheries Halal -Certification halal - Gammes Hallal

Vise à lier l'information sur le marché halal, les nouveaux produits halal , et les habitudes de consommations ...

Apporte des mises à jour sur le Halal Food , les nouvelles tendances ...

mercredi 30 décembre 2009

HALAL INDUSTRY : the halal slaughter controversy which has become a major argument in Europe

Industry Players Competing For Slice Of Europe's Halal Market
Industry players are now competing to get a significant share of the halal industry
market in Europe which has a population of 51.2 million Muslims.
"Everyone now wants a slice of the halal market," said Dr Cedomir Nestorovic,
a professor at the ESSEC Business School Paris in France.
According to him, halal is now regarded as a "big thing" in Europe and is no longer
a taboo subject in the mainstream media....

..."Communication on halal food is no more exotic or ethnic as the halal food market
in Europe, particularly in France, is increasingly strong. I foresee that communication
will be the decisive differentiation point, especially for halal certification and
promotion campaigns," he said.
Advertising campaigns on halal products, certification and labels are also on the rise in Europe,
particularly in France which has an estimated Muslim population of five million.
Read + http://www.bernama.com/bernama/v5/newsbusiness.php?id=465219

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