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mercredi 29 décembre 2010

-CONFERENCE : Halal Industry and its Services Conference - 24-26 January 2011 - kuwait - Workshop / HALAL EVENT

Koweit  : halal event - work shop

Halal Industry  and  its   Services Conference 
                   24-26 January 2011

Holiday Inn Hotel al-Salmiyah -Salmiyah   -    State of Kuwait

  Main Organizers:
The main organizers of the conference are the Ministry of Awqaf and Islamic Affairs of Kuwait,
Kuwait Institute for Scientific  Research, and GCC Standardization Organization.
This conference has been cooperating with specialized organizations in this area, such
as Kuwait Awqaf Public Foundation, the Public Authority for Industry in Kuwait,
Halal Industry Development Foundation for the Awqaf Ministry of Malaysia,
International Halal Integrity Alliance of Malaysia (IHIA) and the Association of
awareness and information to the defense of Muslim consumers in France ASIDCOM.

The primary objectives of this Conference are:
First: To Provide accurate and up to date information on the Halal Industry and its services.

Second: To identifying the legitimacy on the use of all types stunning and mechanical slaughtering
and the use of Najis (Nonpure)  Haram (Unlawful) materials in the Halal industry.

Third: To acquaint participants with the techno-economic aspects of the Halal industry and its
services, and to highlight on itsproper financing policies.

Fourth: To propose recommendations that will put the Halal Industry and services according
to Islamic teachings, and helps to formulate international Halal standards.

WEBSITE :   http://www.q8halal.com/

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