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Le halal de A à Z : Produits halal- Restauration Halal- Surgelés halal-Fast food Halal-Ingrédients Halal-Boucheries Halal -Certification halal - Gammes Hallal

Vise à lier l'information sur le marché halal, les nouveaux produits halal , et les habitudes de consommations ...

Apporte des mises à jour sur le Halal Food , les nouvelles tendances ...

jeudi 2 décembre 2010

- HALAL TRADE : the French embassy in Singapore, creating a trade delegation about the Halal industry in Asia " Michel Cywinski to The Brunei Times

France /Brunei :
French business developing halal sector in gourmet food industries
...French trade interest in Brunei is taking broader turns outside of the oil and gas sector, to the Halal and gourmet food industries, as indicated by the Trade Commissioner and Country Director of the Embassy of France in Singapore.

"We hope to have many different levels of business in Brunei," said Michel Cywinski, adding that the sector of high-end food industry was of interest to bring into Brunei. "That is one level, which is the gourmet industry, like chocolate, foie gras, all that kind of thing," he said, but within what is "authorised here within the local habits".

France has a good reputation in this sector, he said, "and I know that French products are very appreciated here and I'm sure we don't have enough boutiques or restaurants here".

Regarding the recent news that popular French department store brand, Galleries Lafayette, is planning an Asian expansion with its first overseas stores in China due for 2013, Michel said that would most likely not be a reality in Brunei as it is a very different market compared to China.

In regards to the Halal industry, Michel acknowledged the growing potential saying, "France has got a population where about 10 per cent is Muslim. I wouldn't say it's the biggest but France is quite aware and is now developing a halal industry and we've even started now to have Halal supermarkets in France (this year), which is a first. So there is definitely a market for Halal (products)."

This is something we will explore, he added, but would need a wider approach noting that it would make more sense to collaborate with Brunei, Indonesia and Malaysia together. Michel also revealed that UbiFrance, under the French embassy in Singapore, would be looking carefully into creating a trade delegation about the Halal industry but not particularly Brunei as a single participant. ...
Read + French-Brunei trade expanding The Brunei Times

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