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jeudi 5 mai 2011

- HEALTH : The Halal Index -Book on pharmaceuticals ingredients Vol.1 - e-book, pdf and iPhone App

Malaisie :
“The Halal Index” book on pharmaceuticals ingredients

The Halal Index" provides a list of Halal and Haram compounds used in the pharmaceutical sector. The first volume of "The Halal Index", titled “Pig-based Pharmaceuticals”, covers the pharmaceutical compounds derived from porcine (pig-based) origin. The book also highlights the alternative sources from which the compounds may be manufactured.

■Apple apps now available for the iPad & iPhone.

■Pig Based Pharmaceuticals eBook edition available to purchase

The list include basic information of the compound and also preview
of compound structure. Below are the information provided;

•Pig-part from original compound
•Uses of the compound
•Adverse Effects
•Trade Names that used on market
•Alternatives sources

Authenticated by Professor Dr. Zhari Ismail (Professor in Pharmaceutical Chemistry  University Sains Malaysia, and also the chairman for Drafting the Malaysian Standards for Halal Pharmaceutical Guidelines.

TENDANCES    HALAL   read + The Halal Index - Vol. 1 iPhone App

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