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jeudi 29 novembre 2012

- MUSLIMS : The Council on American-Islamic Relations is calling on U.S. authorities to explain their investigation of a leading maker of halal food

USA / Etats Unis :
Halal foods ,U.S. authorities , Midamar corp , and falsely labeling
IOWA CITY, Iowa (AP) — A national civil rights organization is calling on U.S. authorities
 to explain their investigation of a leading maker of food for observant Muslims, saying
it is concerned about the secrecy surrounding the seizure of the company’s bank account
 and records.
The Council on American-Islamic Relations, the nation’s largest Muslim civil liberties
group, says it wants more information about the Oct. 16 raid of the Midamar Corp.
and the related investigation.
Spokesman Ibrahim Hooper says it isn’t fair for the Cedar Rapids-based company
to be crippled by the seizure of its funds when it hasn’t been charged with a crime
or even formally told what the government is investigating.
The U.S. Attorney’s Office in Cedar Rapids is overseeing the investigation. Spokesman
Peter Deegan says he cannot comment on sealed search warrants.
Source Religion news in brief - News - Boston.com

Read more :
 - HALAL FOODS : investigation at Midamar the USA Islamic food maker

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