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vendredi 22 février 2013

- HALAL JAPANES FOOD : Hikari Miso Looks to Expand in the Islamic World with Halal Certification - TENDANCES HALAL

Japan /Japon  :
Halal certification as leverage in increasing recognition
and sales of miso and Japanese food in the Islamic world
Hikari Miso today announced that, on December 12, 2012, it became the first miso
manufacturer to acquire halal certification. ..Miso aims to expand recognition and
sales of Japanese food and miso in the Islamic world.
Hikari Miso acquired halal certification of NPO Japan Halal Association (recognized
Halal certification body of the Department of Islamic Development Malaysia (JAKIM) in Japan)
Certification date: December 12, 2012
Certifying body: NPO Japan Halal Association (a JAKIM-approved halal certification body)
Certified products:
HALAL Hikari Shiro-koshi S (20-kg box)
HALAL Hikari Aka-koshi S (20-kg box)
HALAL "Maru-Mu" Mutenka Miso – Inaka (available in 750 g and 375 g cups)

Source  Hikari Miso Looks to Expand in the Islamic World with Halal Certification - 2013 - What's New - Miso and Japanese / Asian Food - Hikari Miso Co., Ltd.

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