Pour faciliter la discussion entre professionnels

Le halal de A à Z : Produits halal- Restauration Halal- Surgelés halal-Fast food Halal-Ingrédients Halal-Boucheries Halal -Certification halal - Gammes Hallal

Vise à lier l'information sur le marché halal, les nouveaux produits halal , et les habitudes de consommations ...

Apporte des mises à jour sur le Halal Food , les nouvelles tendances ...

lundi 21 juillet 2008

Islam Marketing : Muslim Consumer an Emerging Field of Study

Allemagne: source http://www.geschkult.fu-berlin.de/
Conference: Contemporary Muslim Consumer Cultures
– an Emerging Field of Study,
Free University of Berlin, Institute for Islamic Studies,
September 24 – 27, 2008
Programme :
-Muslim diaspora communities as a target group in advertising
-Is there a Muslim consumer? National, religious and ethnic patterns of consumption
-Islam, Media, Marketing and Consumption
-Islamic Products, Muslim Identities
-Changing Consumer Landscapes in Urban Space: The Shopping Mall
-Muslim Consumers between the Global and the Local

...The conference aims at creating a network of international
scholars and young researchers with various approaches
to the subject, and it also aims at initiating exchange and cooperation
between them to develop the basic grounds for this emerging field of study.

The participants are coming from various countries
of the Middle East and Europa as well as Indonesia
and the United States. Sessions deal with advertising,
Islamic products, new media, national and ethnic patterns
of consumption, shopping malls and questions of globalisation...

Read + :Institut für Islamwisenschaft: Conference: Contemporary Muslim Consumer Cultures – an Emerging Field of Study

Freie Universität Berlin, Institut für Islamwissenschaft,
Dr. Johanna Pink
Altensteinstr. 40,
14195 Berlin, Germany,
phone: +49 (0) 30-838-51437, fax: +49 (0) 30-838-52830,
e-mail: jpink@zedat.fu-berlin.de

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