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Le halal de A à Z : Produits halal- Restauration Halal- Surgelés halal-Fast food Halal-Ingrédients Halal-Boucheries Halal -Certification halal - Gammes Hallal

Vise à lier l'information sur le marché halal, les nouveaux produits halal , et les habitudes de consommations ...

Apporte des mises à jour sur le Halal Food , les nouvelles tendances ...

mardi 28 avril 2009

- HALAL TURKEY : HELAL The Association (GİMDES) will for the first time in Turkey soon begin issuing halal food certificates -TENDANCES HALAL

Turquie : source www.todayszaman.com/ by NURULLAH KAYA

Turkey gears up secure share in huge halal food marketThe Food Auditing and Certification Research Association (GİMDES) will for the first time in Turkey soon begin issuing halal food certificates, bringing the country one step closer to winning a share from the giant global market for halal food -- food prepared in accordance with Islamic law,....
...Turkish firms have already applied to receive certificates and that they expect to issue these certificates as soon as possible, underlining that Turkish consumers have long been looking forward to such a development.
... the entire production process of a food item "from farm to kitchen" will be compatible with halal food requirements.
Halal standards also regulate the packaging, transportation, labeling and logistics of foods.
Additionally, preparation procedures are analyzed to ensure their conformance with halal standards. Underlining that there are different Turkey gears up secure share in huge halal food market

The Food Auditing and Certification Research Association GİMDES

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