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vendredi 17 avril 2009

MarketTrend : Kosher- and Halal-Certified Foods in the U.S by Packaged Facts -TENDANCES HALAL


MarketTrend: Kosher- and Halal-Certified Foods in the U.S.

delivers an in-depth analysis of the market for kosher and halal foods in the United States, with an emphasis on opportunities in the mainstream market.
....Specifically, Packaged Facts estimates that sales of certified kosher foods swelled from nearly $150 billion in 2003 to more than $200 billion in 2008, demonstrating a compound annual growth rate twice that of the overall food market.

The increase is largely attributable to the rising number of certified products, as well as a growing number of consumers who deliberately seek out kosher foods. Packaged Facts does not see traditional or "ethnic" kosher foods contributing to market growth.

Packaged Facts forecasts the total market for certified kosher food will approach $260 billion, while sales of products that are purchased because they are kosher will fall between $14 billion (low estimate) and $17 billion (high estimate). MarketTrend: Kosher- and Halal-Certified Foods in the U.S. : Packaged Facts

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