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Apporte des mises à jour sur le Halal Food , les nouvelles tendances ...

lundi 5 avril 2010

- BUSINESS : Halal Market In Europe is expected to expand by 20 to 25 per cent

Malaisie :
Futur of the halal markets and industries in European countries ?
There is a great potential to further develop the halal markets and industries in European countries, says Malaysian Ambassador to the European Union, Datuk Hussein Haniff.

"The halal industry in Europe is currently valued at about US$66 billion (US$1=RM3.22) and is expected to expand by 20 to 25 per cent in the next decade," he said in his address at the 4th International Halal Food Conference 2010 held in Brussels, Belgium recently.

In a statement released here on Thursday, he said the European household income, Muslim and non-Muslim, had increased steadily over the last 30 years and opportunities for "freezer-to-fryer" products had also increased due to the population's busy lives....
Read more BERNAMA - Great Potential To Develop Halal Market In Europe

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