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mardi 20 avril 2010

- MARKETING and MUSLIM MARKET : Oxford Global Islamic Branding and Marketing Forum

United Kingdom :

“The Rise of Global Islamic Business: Muslim Market    Opportunities and Challenges”

Saïd Business School will host its Inaugural Islamic Branding and Marketing Forum on 25-27 July 2010. The Forum aims to bring together over 250 business leaders, branding and marketing experts and thought leaders to discuss the key issues that face this growing market.

Download a brochure for full details

This Forum will be the first to bring Muslim and non-Muslim leaders and companies from a variety of business sectors together to discuss how to develop better trade and business relations and to learn from each other about the markets involved and the techniques required. Islam is one religion, but within the Islamic global population there are many markets that behave differently from cultural and business perspectives and both Muslim and non-Muslim marketers seek to understand these differences effectively to address their needs.

The Forum is for senior executives in the field of branding and marketing from global companies, media agencies and government officials who have an interest in Islamic markets. Over 200 senior delegates from the UK, the US, the Middle East and from South and Southeast Asia are expected to attend.

•Companies and executives of companies that want to learn more about Muslim markets and consumer behaviour in them.
•Companies and executives of businesses that would like to access and gain more share of Muslim markets.
•Marketing and advertising executives of companies interested in addressing Muslim markets.
•Muslim entrepreneurs, companies, investors and professionals interested in building brands and marketing these to Muslim majority and minority markets.
Leaders of Islamic countries and leaders of global and international companies are expected to speak at this ground-breaking Forum, and to share their experiences in a sophisticated learning environment at the Saïd Business School.

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