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mercredi 26 janvier 2011

- HALAL SLAUGHTERING : " all Muslim countries accept halal meat from New Zealand in the knowledge that it is stunned before slaughter” Dr Abdel-Al

Nouvelle Zelande :
New Zealand meat is not Halal ,meat from
New Zealand are unacceptable for Muslims !
Dr Mohamed Abdel-Al has just returned to New Zealand from the Global Halal
Congress in Pakistan last month, concerned that the use of pre stun slaughter
in New Zealand’s meat export works is misunderstood overseas.
He says there is currently no effort from New Zealand to correct
what he called ‘these false impressions ? :

“Officially, nearly all Muslim countries accept Halal meat from New Zealand
in the knowledge that it is stunned before slaughter”, Dr Abdel-Al says.

“But there are some influential Muslims in various countries
who apparently believe that the electric stun injures or kills
the animal and so makes the resulting meat
from New Zealand unacceptable for Muslims.

"For Halal slaughter an animal has to be healthy and uninjured
at the point of slaughter, or it is considered as not Halal and
so is forbidden for consumption by Muslims under Shariah law.

HALAL MARKET read + Halal market opportunities at risk in NZ Scoop News

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