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mardi 30 octobre 2012

- HALAL FOODS REGULATIONS : The China National People's Congress submitted legislature to urge halal food regulations

Chine /China :

"It  is crucial to regulate the halal food business,
and effectively respect the dietary habits
of these ethnic groups, ..."

The Standing Committee of the National People's Congress (NPC), China's top legislature,
will urge the State Council to enact regulations on halal food in a timely fashion, according
to a report adopted on Friday.
The report, presenting results of deliberations by the Ethnic Affairs Committee of the NPC
on the "bill on enacting halal food administration law," was adopted at the concluding meeting
of the bi-monthly session of the NPC Standing Committee.
The bill was submitted by 31 delegates to the Fifth Session of the 11th NPC held in March.
It stated that irregularities involving halal food have touched off conflicts from time to time,
and the absence of over-arching laws has hampered law enforcement in this sector, suggesting
speeding up related legislation
The Ethnic Affairs Committee endorsed the relevance of the bill, saying China holds
ten ethnic minority groups consuming halal food, amounting to a population of over 20 million.

It is crucial to regulate the halal food business, and effectively respect the dietary habits
of these ethnic groups, so as to safeguard their legitimate rights and interests and to bolster
ethnic solidarity and social stability, according to the committee.

Therefore, it suggested the NPC Standing Committee urge the State Council,
or cabinet, to enact regulations on halal food, and that law-making should be considered
after drawing on the experiences of implementing the State Council regulations.

The report also recognized that the central government had invested a lot of efforts in drafting
halal food regulations, saying people from the ethnic groups concerned place high expectation
on the regulations."Halal" refers to foodstuffs which are permissible to eat under Islamic law.

Source  Legislature to urge halal food regulations_China National People's Congress

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