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mardi 30 octobre 2012

- HALAL MARKET : Halal certification has “opened gates” for the Turkish business

Turquie /Turkey
 Halal certification  to become stronger in the  halal
foods market

The halal market is a growing one with a potential well within the multitrillion dollar range,
but only a small portion of it is utilized, according to World Halal Council’s (WHC)
Turkish chairman Hüseyin Kami Büyüközer.

Halal food, which refers to goods approved by the Islamic code, is a $860 billion market
spread across the world and this figure rises even higher to $2.1 trillion when textiles,
cosmetics and medical products are factored into the mix, said Büyüközer, who also
chairs Gimdes, Turkey’s local halal-licensing authority. “Unfortunately only some
14 percent of this potential is materialized,” he said. This refers to somewhere between
$150 and $200 in food products. There is a large space there,”
The Turkish Standards Institute, which started granting halal food licenses in July 2011,
has given 117 documents to 63 separate companies so far. ....

Source/ read +   ECONOMICS - Unsaturated halal market promising large revenues

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