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vendredi 9 novembre 2012

- HALAL CERTIFICATION : Pakistan develop halal standards and Punjab Halal Development Agency notified

Pakistan :
Halal standards, auditing and certification procedures 
with the Punjab Halal Development Agency (PHDA)
The government in the Pakistani state of Punjab has formally authorised the Punjab Halal
Development Agency (PHDA) develop Halal standards, auditing and certification procedures.
Justice (Retd.) Khalil-ur-Rehman Khan has been appointed as the agency head with a number
of technical and other experts in team, the News reported.  Under the administrative control
of Provincial Livestock and Dairy Development Department, its secretariat is being established
at Punjab Agriculture and Meat Company.

According to the Terms of References of PHDA the agency will maintain a continuing working
relationship and coordinate with the other provincial authorities to facilitate and promote
Halal certification besides implementing the accreditation process and procedures for the
appointment of inspection bodies.
Read more Punjab Halal Development Agency notified - thenews.com.pk

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