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mardi 5 février 2013

- HALAL FOODS : Council of Mosques has called for a boycott of Halal Food Authority (HFA) products

United Kingdom / Angleterre : thanks Abellatif
Halal food with traces of pork DNA was supplied to Muslim

Council of Mosques has called for a boycott of Halal Food Authority
(HFA) products. The HFA meanwhile hit back stating they still
have one of the ‘most stringent and well regulated auditing systems
for accreditation of halal meat'.

In a statement to Asian Image, the Lancashire Council of Mosques (LCM)
has called for an investigation into the Halal food industry following
reports that Halal food with traces of pork DNA was supplied to Muslim prisoners.

“While praising the Ministry of Justice’s decision to stop food from
 the said supplier, LCM would like to stress that the Muslim community
of Lancashire is deeply concerned at the irregularities in the Halal
industry and reiterates the need for proper audit trails to ensure
meat and chicken products are authentically Halal.
 Source Council of Mosques clashes with Halal Food Authority after pork DNA scandal (From Asian Image)

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