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dimanche 3 février 2013

- HALAL CERTIFICATION : Jamiatul Ulama KZN has decided to stop halal certification and inspection

South Africa /Afrique du Sud : merci à Abdellatif
24 Jan. 13 -Press release
the Jamiatul Ulama KZN has decided to terminate Halaal Certification and Inspection.
This decision was taken due to the fact that ensuring the Halaal suitability of outlets and establishments requires a great deal of checks and balances.
The Muslim Public may choose to follow any Halaal body they have confidence in and are accordingly advised to exercise great caution before consuming any food products.

Hence, all food outlets and establishments previously certified by the Jamiat are no longer certified
or inspected by the Jamiat.
Source  http://jamiat.org.za/wp-content/uploads/2013/01/Notice-on-Halaal-Services-Poster.pdf

The opinion of The South African National Halaal Authority (SANHA) about the Jamiatul Ulama of KwaZulu Natal (JUKZN)  the pioneers of Halaal  .
The announcement this week by the Jamiatul Ulama of KwaZulu Natal (JUKZN) of the demise
of its Halaal Department and the abrupt termination of all certification is an apt demonstration
of this principle in action.
The spin about the “lack of professional manpower” lacks credibility considering that they had
been in operation for 5 years and in fact were the pioneers of Halaal
certification as far back as the 1970’s. It was down to the finance and lack of management
thereof that has led them into this pitiful state.....
Read more  http://www.sanha.org.za/flashnews/flashn71.htm

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