Angleterre :
Asda Hounslow now flagship ethnic store
The new-look Hounslow store, which is opening this week,
has been "recut" to meet the needs of the local Asian,
Mediterranean, Polish and Afro-Caribbean populations
that make up about 70% of its shoppers.
Asda has added 20 bays of ethnic food to create two dedicated
aisles, accounting for 20% of trading space. Other changes include
an easier -access bulk area on the back wall for rice, flour
and oil and an increased range of ambient and chilled
imported brands, as requested by shoppers.
The retailer has also given its fresh offer a facelift,
introducing a new herb bay and more ethnic produce.
More loose fruit and vegetables had been added as customers
preferred them to pre-packaged, said Cathryn Ramsden,
customer planner for Asda's emerging markets team.
A halal meat counter operated by local retailer Haji Baba
was opened last month ahead of the revamp. "Haji Baba has
been there for 30 years and we're happy to be working with
a local business to give it its second shop, rather than being
blamed for damaging small businesses," said Ramsden.
"By the end of this year, we plan to have rolled out two further
concessions from Haji Baba... Read + Asda Hounslow now flagship ethnic store
Islam - Horaires des priéres - Viandes halal - Produits halal - Certification halal - Marché halal- Restaurants halal-Hadj
Pour faciliter la discussion entre professionnels
Le halal de A à Z : Produits halal- Restauration Halal- Surgelés halal-Fast food Halal-Ingrédients Halal-Boucheries Halal -Certification halal - Gammes Hallal
Vise à lier l'information sur le marché halal, les nouveaux produits halal , et les habitudes de consommations ...
Apporte des mises à jour sur le Halal Food , les nouvelles tendances ...
Vise à lier l'information sur le marché halal, les nouveaux produits halal , et les habitudes de consommations ...
Apporte des mises à jour sur le Halal Food , les nouvelles tendances ...
mercredi 4 novembre 2009
Marketing ethnique :Asda is overhauling a west London supermarket to create a flagship ethnic store
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